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MODO | V-Ray Scans

MODO | V-Ray Scans

A comprehensive look at V-Ray Scans. Some amazing looking materials with few customization possibilities and a couple of GPU rendering related issues. It’s a long video but if you’re interested in spending $420 a year then it’s probably worth watching first.

Links to Shader Ball scene from Muhammed.

Modo, download this one https://forums.chaosgroup.com/forum/v-ray-for-modo/v-ray-for-modo-general/1033711-updated-shaderball-scene-for-v-ray-next-in-modo

And here is a different Modo version done with ACES https://forums.chaosgroup.com/forum/v-ray-for-modo/v-ray-for-modo-general/1068160-acescg-shaderball-for-vray-modo

Update: a couple of notes from Muhammed from the YouTube video.

-One cool trick that Vlado did for our Modo implementation is when you browse for a scan, you can select the preview image and Modo will automatically pick up the corresponding file on its own. This is very useful and helped me quite a lot.

-The problem you showed with paint color where image maps don't work, this is not specific to Vray for Modo, this happens in all other Vray plugins(Just tested in Vray for Houdini and got the same behavior). This used to work in the past from what I remember, it might be a bug/regression with the new RTX mode. I will report that tomorrow.

-"Adjust UV tiling to match Real world scale" after using this option you don't need to adjust the tiling factor. You should get the correct tiling automatically. In your case the shaderball is quite tiny, around 5 CM(50 MM) tall, hence why the pattern would appear very big. I think you scaled down the scene as the one I shared had the shaderball at 50 CM height.

- Filter color is used for Metals, Paint Color is used for plastics, fabrics, leather..etc and I don't go high on brightness or saturation when picking this up, best to stick to something like Pointer's Gamut for example.

-The render elements you showed at the end are used for Back to Beauty compositing. you will be able to have control over paint color for example in Post, using AOVs to build up Beauty from scratch.

-With your trial you actually have access to all available scans from what you showed in the video, I see +1100 scans at your library .. 415 of which are fabrics, it is the biggest/best fabric library on the web in my view. And btw, even subscribed you cannot download all the scans at once..I went and downloaded them one by one xD.. they are around 300 GB in total. -And yeah this library is expanding, they usually add more of these every few months.

Modo | Remove Edge

Modo | Remove Edge

Modo | Coolidge Collection: Deselect Non-Border Edges

Modo | Coolidge Collection: Deselect Non-Border Edges