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 MOP Booleans Kit Version 1.3 Released

MOP Booleans Kit Version 1.3 Released

The Pushing Points MOP Booleans Kit for Modo has received another free update. Version 1.3 has a new selection option that works similar to the Select Base command but is used for selecting driver mesh items. Watch it in action here:

You can grab the latest version from your Gumroad Library. Replace the old Kit with this new one and restart Modo.

Note: The update will be available for Modo Indie MOP Booleans users as soon as the update has been approved by the Foundry.

MODO | Ep #2 Binding the CBox Rig

MODO | Ep #2 Binding the CBox Rig

MODO |  Ep #1 Character Rigging for a 6-legged Ladybug

MODO | Ep #1 Character Rigging for a 6-legged Ladybug