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Scripting and Tool Development Mentoring

Scripting and Tool Development Mentoring

Ymmanuel Flores of Xolotl Studios - best known for Substance Painter Live Link and Kitbasher for Maya will be offering a Scripting and Tool Development mentoring program. This is an area in great need of this kind of offering in PF’s opinion. Scripters and Plug-in developers are often left to their own devices and self-education. There’s a flourishing market of plug-ins available on places like Gumroad for DCC apps that are supported by the community of artists. Any efforts to grow this ecosystem should be supported.

From Xolotl:


After developing multiple tools including the Substance Painter Live Link, a tool that allows you to create and update your Substance Painter Materials and send them to multiple 3D applications (Maya, Modo, Blender, 3DS Max, C4D or Houdini) and renderers (Cycles, Redshift, Arnold, Octane, Vray and more). Several people have asked me to help them on the development of their own tools or simply to talk about how I approach tool development to enhance 3D workflows. Since this is kind of recurrent I decided to make available a mentorship on scripting and tool development. I see it as an opportunity to finance more plugin developments while keeping them accessible to everyone (not $100+ plugins).


The format I’m using is a month long mentorship where we will explore how to approach scripting and coding to improve your most common 3D workflows; how to design, script, test and release tools that are scalable and user friendly. We will have 4 x 1.5 hours one on one calls with: Hands on demonstrations, Q&A’s and troubleshooting, Access to a private discord where you can ask for specific help.

Tools and prerequisites?

I can help you start developing your own tools/scripts in: Maya (Python & MEL), Modo (Python), Blender (Python), Cinema4D (Python), Houdini (Python), Substance painter (Python), Substance Designer (Python), Substance Automation Toolkit (Python). To get the most out of this workshop it would be better for you to have a clear idea of what kind of tool you are willing to build beforehand. Basic coding knowledge is definitely a plus but not required. If you are just trying to find your way with scripting and programming in any of the platforms listed we can work on an introductory path.

Goal. At the end of the month you will have a better idea on how to tackle workflow optimizations with scripts, and develop your own tools. Contact. If you have any questions regarding the mentorship, feel free to contact me via twitter or through the open discord server in the Mentorship Channel.

Gumroad: https://gum.co/aVqjg

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/9GktvpG

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ymmanuel_who

MODO | Select Colinear

MODO | Select Colinear

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Prof. Eggtop keeps an eye on the Tesla Roadster!